Planting the future for our Tamariki

Whanau Tree House: Nature Play

Nature Play

We emphasize learning outside of the whare. Connecting with nature builds a sense of relationship and relatedness to te taiao.

Whanau Tree House: Bi-lingual Learning

Bi-lingual Learning

If our tamariki are immersed and nourished in the Māori language, they will ensure its survival.

Relationships - Whanau tree


We value our relationships with our community and enjoy taking part in local events and going on outings.

Our Vision

Our Vision - Whanau Tree house

E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tō ao

Ko tō ringa ki ngā rākau a te Pākehā

Hei ora mō te tinana

Ko tō ngākau ki ngā taonga a ō tipuna Māori

Hei tikitiki mō tō māhunga.

Plant and nurture the seed in our tamariki in their early years, so they can grow to become confident contributors to society and embrace their cultural identity and whakapapa.

Our Mission

Our Mission - Whanau Tree House

Our mission is to provide a bilingual environment where our tamariki and staff feel inspired, confident, and empowered in who they are.
An environment that is culturally enriched, empowering, and safe where we strive to work in partnership with whānau, kaiako, and our community to develop a sense of belonging for our tamariki.

Join our Whānau

Join our Whanau - Whanau Tree House Enrolment

Attending an early childhood service for the first time is a big step for both you and your child.  You may feel apprehensive or unsure of the best way to get started.  Rest assured, this is perfectly normal and we’re here to help you through the process.

Transition time ensures you visit before your child’s first day with us. Please use this time to get to know us and to share all the unique things that will help us meet the needs of your child. Transition time will help to make you both feel ready for the new routine when it’s time for your child to stay on their own.

Keep their growing minds engaged